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Annalisa Federici
“In a Kind of Retrospective Arrangement”. Essays on James Joyce and Memory
In lingua inglese

Settori disciplinari:

Isbn: 9788860748096
Pagine: 122
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016
Collana: Saggi di critica letteraria

Ever since early commentators’ accounts of James Joyce’s prodigious mnemonic faculties, considerable critical attention has been devoted to the theme of memory in relation to the author’s compositional process, as well as its enactment in his major works. The essays collected in this book focus on different aspects of Joyce’s treatment of memory in his masterpiece Ulysses. They attempt to reveal the manner in which concepts of memory, time, personal identity and text production entwine in the very fabric of the novel, and explore the interplay between these issues with particular emphasis on memory as textual construct. Memory, as several scholars have pointed out, is both a major theme and the primary narrative method in Ulysses, the structural and linguistic basis of Joyce’s writing and of his lived experience. By analysing the way in which the characters’ pasts are constructed and presented in the book, as well as the devices by which the text assumes the function of a memorial/archive/palimpsest, this work proposes to show that, through the authorial process of writing and the reader’s act of interpreting, the novel actually becomes a site of memory. 

Informazioni sull'autore
Dottore di Ricerca in Letterature Comparate presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia. I suoi interessi sono principalmente rivolti al modernismo letterario e in particolar modo alla narrativa di James Joyce e di Virginia Woolf, su cui ha pubblicato i saggi “ ‘Broken sentences, single words’: la punteggiatura nella narrativa di Virginia Woolf” (Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università degli Studi di Perugia) e “Frammenti di vita e di poetica: Moments of Being di Virginia Woolf e Enfance di Nathalie Sarraute” (Il confronto letterario). Attualmente si sta occupando dell’ulteriore sviluppo di alcuni aspetti della sua tesi di dottorato, da cui ha tratto, oltre al presente volume, il saggio “Il romanzo modernista e il nouveau roman tra parallelismi e continuità: il caso di James Joyce e Michel Butor” (in fase di pubblicazione)


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